Zhen Zhu (Fen)

Zhen Zhu (Fen)

  • Chineese Name: 珍珠
  • Pin Yin Name: Zhen Zhu (Fen)
  • Latin Name: Margarita Usta
  • Natures: Cold
  • Taste: Salty, Sweet
  • Chanels Entered: Heart, Liver
Spirit-Quieting Medicinals (An Shen Yao)
Liver-Pacifying Medicinals (Ping Gan Yao)
from 0,3 to 1
Calms the Heart
Quiets the Spirit
Diminishes (subdues) Yang
Stops convulsions
Clarifies the Liver
Clarifies the eyes
Reduces nebula (corneal opacities)
Generate the tissues
Dissipates necrotic tissues
Dries Dampness (topic use)
Disperses swellings (tumefaction – topic use)